Hundred of Hoo – Class of 1994
Welcome to the dedicated webpage for the Class of 1994, the Upper Sixth Form from the Hundred of Hoo School, Hoo St. Werburgh, Kent. The hyperlinks below are to the person’s personal Facebook or LinkedIn account. Some hyperlinks have been removed by request of the person.
Last updated: February 2021
Special thanks to Jeff and Stuart.
Who’s who?
Back Row (l-r):
Dean Hatcher, Stuart Morris, Bradley Brown, Chris Driver, Ross Johnson, Lee Harvey, Billy Davies, Robert Rattray, Mark Loft, Mark Whibley, Graham James, Lee ?, Kevin McCarthy, Glenn Payne, Harsharn Gill, Adam Pattenden
4th Row (l-r):
Simon Lewis, Ben Harris, Neil Smith, Lee Bernini, Ryan Payne, Jeff Rayner, Jon Bryant, Mark Simpson, Daniel Friend, Richard Forrest, Matthew Wilson, Robert Thomas, Michael Oglesby, Harhajan Singh, Lucy Moore, Martin Holt, Sarah Pilling
3rd Row (l-r):
Claire Richards, Nirmal Sandhu, Angela Campbell, Suzanne Denley, David Heard, Stephen Javis, Adrian Fryer, Karen Styles, Stuart Killacky, Andrew Gardner, Vincent Au, Hannah Stunnell, Emily Wright, Polly Wright, Sarah Lucas, Lisa Robbins, Jennifer Rees
2nd Row (l-r):
Ellen Simmonds, Jane Aitken, Kelly Gibson, Paula Johnson, Leanne Bonathon, Clive Osenton, Joanna Barrie, Donna Vine, Barry Howard, Saira Hayat, Stuart Johnson, Sasha Foreman, Elaine Wilson, Kelly Edmeads, Alison Simmonds, Clare Wise, Hayley White, Alison Baker
Front Row (l-r):
Emma Fritter, Constance Dillaway, Stephen Blouet, Hazel Davis, Juliette Deer, Mandy Miller, Jo Emmett, Mr Abnett (Head of 6th Form), Mr Jonty Lee (6th Form Deputy Head), Kirsty Stoddart, Lana Jackson, Kirsty Wiles, Ruth Sinclair, Debbie Jones, Clare Prescott, Vicky White
You can now download the Class of 1994 photograph by using the buttons below; they are in compressed ZIP format.
Where were you?
Unfortunately, some students of ’94 weren’t able to make the photo shoot for one reason or another. Below is a collage of some of the other students who graduated that year.

Top Row:
Jack Plumbe, Daniel Jagger, Kathryn Weddon, Simon Fairgreaves, Martin Woods, Steve Stedman, Ben Turner (RIP), Samantha Mortley, Brin Wright, Nicola Roberts, Fiona Stockley
2nd Row:
Eleanor Vieler, Joanne Condon, Sunny Fishlock, ???, Ben Wright
Anyone else?
Here is a list of Students we’ve found on the Socials, but don’t have a school photo to display:
Extra Photos
- Prom Night - A-Level Biology Class
- Dr Anthony Polan Class
- Students in Common Room
- Students in Common Room
- Students in Common Room
- Students in Common Room
- Students in Common Room
- Students in Common Room
- Students in Common Room
Credit: Joanne Condon
Send me your Class of ’94
Hundred of Hoo Pics
Please collate all the pictures you are willing to share, in the highest resolution possible, compressed into a ZIP file. If the ZIP file is too big to send, 10MB+, please upload the file to a storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive and send me the URL in the message box to download.
Or share them on the dedicated Facebook Group, link below.
Join the Discussion
on Facebook
There is a dedicated Private Facebook Group for the Hundred of Hoo School, Class of ’94. Please join and share your thoughts, memories and photos from the School. Reconnect with old friends, maybe even make some new ones. So, put on those quality dance hits from 2 Unlimited, Snap! and The Shamen and let us all be nostalgic and have a trip down Memory Lane.